Sunday, 10 March 2013

Investment as at 10 Mar 2013

On 8 Mar, I sold my Olam warrant. I had only 810 warrants which can be converted to the mother shares only after 3 years. I read that the warrants are only worth 7 US cents or so, and the price on 8 Mar was about USD0.295. Since the amount that I have is very little and even if it goes very high say, USD0.60, the increase is not very much. These 810 warrants are given free to me when I subscribed to the Bond rights. I'm selling these to convert the loss from the shares which I bought with an average price of SGD1.86 per share. Currently, Olam mother share price is about SGD1.665. Another 20 cents to go to breakeven. So, after selling the warrant, I made about SGD0.05 per share. So, I would just need 15 cents more when Olam at SGD1.815. Anyway, I have already gained SGD160 from the shares as dividend.

Investment as at 10 Mar 2013

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