Sunday, 21 April 2013

Investment as at 21 Apr 2013

On 17 Apr, I added in 10 lots of China Fishery into my portfolio. I have also wanted to buy CF and I think I have bought CF in the past and made some profits.

I think CF has potential to go higher even if it fails to bid for the Copeinca. The dividend payouts have been quite regular with some fluctuations but then it manages to pay for the past few years. At 41 cents though, it went lower to 39 cents since I bought but still it is quite low for CF. I will keep CF for now and target price is > 50 cents.

Recently, most of my counters are not doing well. This is part and parcel of investing. There are highs and lows, so we don't have to worry too much. As long as the company is still around, the price will be matched and go higher when the market turns around. When I invest, I'm prepared to lose the money. This is life and most people cannot take this and ended up losing more money. When you invest in the company, you are pretty sure that it is a good investment and you don't mind the fluctuation.

Investment as at 21 Apr 2013

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